work-life interface

Work-Family Interface: Lessons from Joe Grzywacz

In this episode of Meaningful Work Matters, Andrew Soren spoke with Joe Grzywacz, the Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development at San Jose State University in the College of Health and Sciences. His research expertise lies at the intersection of work and family life and their profound impact on health and well-being.

Grzywacz recognized early in his career that work can be a challenge to push through, but at other times, it can be a place to flourish and do well. The key difference is how work is designed and positioned to achieve the latter.

Midlife in the United States (MIDUS)

Grzywacz has been deeply involved in a landmark research project called Midlife Development in the U.S. (MIDUS). Since it started in 1995, this national longitudinal study of health and wellbeing has aimed to understand successful aging. MIDUS is unique because it measures social, biological, economic, and psychological factors across disciplines. Today, it is one of the largest studies of its kind, funded by the National Institute on Health.

Grzywacz oversees all areas related to the topic of work within the study - a critical factor for understanding health and well-being, given that the average person spends more time at work than just about anywhere else across the lifespan.

The Design of Work

There are different ways to think about the design of work. The National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, for example, looks at job characteristics, which, boiled down, include buckets like:

  • What are the opportunities workers have on the job to exercise control or decision-making regarding their work?

  • How much external pressure or demand is put on workers?

  • Is what I am doing meaningful, or does what I am doing matter in a lasting way?

  • Am I treated fairly and equitably?

Grzywacz notes that these job characteristics are often very different for black and brown individuals, for younger workers compared to older workers, for men compared to women, etc. The job market is segregated in many ways that tend to benefit some people and not others.

The Impact on Psychological Well-Being

Based on about 40+ years of research, there are substantial consequences when these fundamental characteristics are unmet. These characteristics are tied to a concept called cognitive reserve. If you think of your mind as a muscle, the more you use it, the longer it will stay robust and healthy.

Likewise, many of these job characteristics are linked to how well your cognitive functioning holds up later in life and how physical health plays out in the face of chronic disease.

To Grzywacz, it’s crystal clear that work underlies our health and well-being, even if it takes a bit to catch up to us.

The Work-Family Interface

The work-family interface is all about how our jobs and families intersect. Grzywacz highlights that the two influence each other in various ways - sometimes good, sometimes bad.

On the one hand, we are caretakers and loved ones within a family structure, and on the other, we are operating in an economy that likely requires us also to be a worker. We are often splitting our time to satisfy both roles.

Finding a balance between these two important roles can be a challenge for all of us at one point or another. However, as Grzywacz explains, the synergy between work and life can also be enriching. In the Western world, this works very well. For example, for those who earn a living wage, or even a climbing wage, that’s a form of work-family enrichment because our work life ends up benefitting our family life.

Those with a synergistic or enriching work and family life have higher levels of well-being - and that is associated with less chronic conditions and lower stress levels, etc. A positive work-life interface benefits individuals, their families, organizations, and society.

Cross-Cultural Differences

According to Grzywacz, the research shows that job characteristics are relatively universal across cultural contexts.

By contrast, there are distinctive cultural differences when combining work and family. In the US, we’ve lived a ‘segmented reality’ throughout the industrial area. This means we spend 8 hours a day at work, then come home and attend to home life. In the US, work tends to be viewed as a different space than our family life.

The US is relatively unique in this separation. Other parts of the world see work and family as more integrated. For example, one might say they work for their family, and their commitment to their family is reflected in their work.

The Research on Alienation

Another area of Grzywacz’s research is alienation. This refers to when a worker is separated or alienated from the more significant impact, meaning, or context of their work AND the other individuals who are part of the final product.

The evidence tells us that alienated work is linked to a variety of mental health including depression. We have only recently connected this concept to the biology of successful aging. People with higher levels of alienated work show more wear and tear on their bodies at an organ and tissue level than those who experience less alienation at work.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up, Grzywacz offers a reflection on pursuing meaningful work. He urges listeners to consider the balance between seeking meaning in work and finding contentment with what they have. He posits that while meaningful work is important, the constant chase for the 'perfect' job can lead to dissatisfaction and overlook the value of other life domains.

For further exploration:

  • Mid-Life in the United States - link

Taking CARE of Work Boundaries: A Guide to Balancing Your Life

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to strike a balance between work and personal life. Many of us find ourselves constantly struggling to keep up with the demands of our work while still trying to manage our personal commitments. This is where work boundaries come in. By creating boundaries between our work and our personal lives, we can better manage our time and energy, leading to improved focus, productivity, and well-being. In this blog, we’ll take a look at Eudaimonic By Design’s Work Boundaries and explore the CARE framework for creating and maintaining work boundaries.

Step 1: Choose

The first step in creating work boundaries is to choose whether to segment or integrate our work and personal domains. Segmenters keep their domains separate, while Integrators are more fluid between the two. There are pros and cons to both approaches, and most people fall somewhere in between. It's important to reflect on our preferences and needs, and to decide when to segment and when to integrate based on our workload, projects, and level of focus needed.

Step 2: Actualize

The next step is to actualize our boundaries by setting up physical, temporal, cognitive, and behavioral boundaries. Physical boundaries include elements that physically distinguish the different domains, such as walls, doors, curtains, and dedicated workspaces. Temporal boundaries are all about times and timing, such as setting specific work hours, using a calendar to time-block different activities, and setting a timer to denote the end of one activity. Cognitive boundaries are about using thinking and processing patterns that are appropriate for one domain and not for another, such as finding a routine to get into a state of focus or flow, shifting our mindset, or turning off alerts and noises that might distract our attention from one task to another. Behavioral boundaries are about adopting different behaviors for different domains, such as wearing work clothes and changing into leisure clothes at the end of the day or using more formal language in the work environment.

Step 3: Rituals

Rituals are important for crossing boundaries between work and personal life. There are three types of rituals: those that end an activity, those that transition between activities, and those that start a new activity. Examples of rituals could include putting away your workspace to end an activity, walking to a new location to transition between activities, or taking a few deep breaths before beginning a new activity.

Step 4: Enacting

Finally, it's important to enact our boundaries with others. Boundaries work best when they are chosen by the individual and are supported by other people in the individual’s life, both at home and at work. This means communicating our boundaries clearly to our colleagues, family, and friends, and making sure they understand and respect them.

In conclusion, work boundaries are an essential aspect of achieving a healthy work-life balance. By choosing our preferred approach to segmenting or integrating our work and personal domains, actualizing our boundaries through physical, temporal, cognitive, and behavioral elements, adopting rituals to cross boundaries, and enacting our boundaries with others, we can better manage our time and energy, leading to improved focus, productivity, and well-being. Remember, taking care of our work boundaries means taking care of ourselves and those around us, which in turn helps us live happier and more fulfilled lives.

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